Regression and Correlation

Validity in Research... In research conducted, the test is usually done on the validity and reliability study early to measure an instrument of research before going to the actual research. Here I will explain a little about the validity Validity shows the extent to which a gauge that measures what you want measured. Suppose we want to measure the body high, we may not measure it wearing body weight.
This is not valid because it is said to measure with high measure tool that is the higher body. A valid instrument that will have a high validity, the instrument (the questionnaire), which means less valid have a low validity. To test the validity level, researchers usually try instruments on testing instruments.
Things to consider in determining the subject of many trials, including:
1. availability will be subject to the target;
2. unit of analysis is taken;
3. ability of researchers in the case of time and funds;
4. level of difficulty in the implementation.
The number of trials is relatively subject, there is no rule that, only about 25-40 are a number of which already allows the implementation and analysis. There are differences of opinion on the subject which the trial is taken. When the subject should enable the pilot was taken from a population that will not be later research.
But if not possible can take outside the terms of population with characteristics of the population taken as a pilot project for the same object or almost the same as the characteristics of the population will be examined. In addition there are two opinions pro and contra on the use of testing data. Opinion that states that if the pro trials using subjects drawn from the population, and the (valid), it may be added as research data.
However, the contra opinion states, the data collected in the trial should not be mixed with the research data. In general there are two types of validity, namely:
This means the validity achieved when the resulting data from instruments in accordance with the data or other information about the research is variable. Example value Mathematics test results corelated to elementary school students with the highest student evaluation reports were distributed. Student evaluation reports were distributed so the value is used as a measure.
This means if there is validity to achieve conformity among parts of the instrument with the instrument as a whole. Validity-grain, an instrument that is said to have high validity when the grain is formed instruments not deviate from the instrument -Validity of factors, namely an instrument said to have a high validity if the factors that are part of the instruments does not deviate from the instrument.
In general, the steps made in the validity of the test is as follows: Calculate the correlation of each particle (items) with a total score (corrected item-total correlation). Comparing the value of the table with the correlation with the level of significance r รก degree and free N-2. Decision making If the results of r> r table, the item is valid If the results r
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Descriptive Statistics..Descriptive statistics is part of the science of statistics, which only process, presents the data without making a decision for the population. In other words, only to see the general description of the data obtained. Iqbal Hasan (2004:185) explains: Analysis is a form of descriptive analysis of research data to generalize the results of research based on one sample. Descriptive analysis was conducted with the test hypothetical descriptive.
Whether the results of the analysis is hypothetical research can generalization or not. If the hypothetical zero (H0) is received, the results of research can generalization. This descriptive analysis using one or more variable, but are independent, by the curry is not analysis or comparison-shaped relationship.
Iqbal Hasan (2001:7) explains: descriptive statistics or statistical deductive is part of a statistical study of data gathering and presentation of data so that young to understand. Descriptive statistic only related to decipher it or give particulars of the data or a situation or phenomenon. With descriptive statistical functions explain the situation, symptoms, or problems.
Withdrawal of statistical conclusions on the descriptive (if any) is only aimed at the collection of the data. Based on the scope bahasannya descriptive statistics include:
1. Distribution and its part-frequency portion, such as: a. Graphic distibusi (histogram, frequency polygon, and ogif) b. The size of the center value (average, median, mode, kuartil and so forth); c. Size stupid (range, average deviation, variation, standard deviation, and sebagianya); d. Slant and fineness kurva
2. Index number
3. Times series / progression of time or periodic
4. Simple correlation and regression
Bambang Suryoatmono (2004:18) states Descriptive statistics is the use of data on a group to explain or interesting conclusion about the groups that Size Location: mode, mean, median, etc. Size variability: varians, standard deviation, range, etc. Form Size: skewness, kurtosis, box plot.
Pangestu Subagyo (2003:1) states: The definition is descriptive statistics as the statistics about the data collection, presentation, determining the values of statistics, making diagram or something about the image, here the data presented in the form of a more easily understood or read. Sudjana (1996:7) explains: Phase statistics which depict or just try analyse groups provided without creating or interesting conclusions about the population or a larger group called descriptive statistics.
statistics is always use for many things. as the statisticians, holding to statistic principium is ca not bargain at all.
let's make statistics for the better life.